Civil War Kentucky – Dangerous Place in the Civil War

“I think to lose Kentucky is nearly the same as to lose the whole game.” — Abraham Lincoln Being the birthplace of both Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis, Kentucky seemed destined to occupy a strange and dangerous place in the Civil War. Both sides treated Kentucky with kid gloves after the shots were fired at … Read more

Civil War Trails Maps – Podcast Tour Maps

Request printed maps, using THIS FORM, which include Civil War Trails maps. Regional maps and more are available from Virginia regional resources. The maps listed below require Acrobat Reader (free from Adobe). They are large. To read them on your computer screen, you will need to use the magnification tool from within Acrobat Reader. To … Read more

Civil War Tennessee – Self-Guided Tour Maps

Download Tennessee Trails Map (revised October 2012) Tennessee Civil War Trails Map [pdf 715K] One look at a map should tell you how important Tennessee was during the Civil War. The state lay like a protective blanket over the Deep South. Any invasion of Georgia, Alabama or Mississippi certainly would have to come through Tennessee. … Read more

Lee’s Retreat: Radio Message Scripts

Lee's Retreat

Radio messages are broadcast at each of Lee’s Retreat stops. Stop 1: South Side Station Stop 2: Sixth Corps Breakthrough Stop 3: Sutherland Station Stop 4: Namozine Church Stop 5: Amelia Court House Stop 6: Jetersville Stop 7: Amelia Springs Stop 8: Deatonville Stop 9: Holt’s Corner Stop 10: Hillsman House Stop 11: Marshall’s Crossroads … Read more